Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I got a pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine!!

  That's it Folks after months of anticipation Michelle and I are off to Arizona. We would love to thank everyone who sent us off in style. From fellow co-workers, to friends and family we really appreciate your hospitality and FREE FOOD ... THANK YOU!!!  You will be the first people we remember when we go to the street markets. The US dollar goes far in Thailand, for every  1 US dollar you get 33 Bahts :)

For all those who have never taken a road trip with your significant other, here are a few simple rules to guarantee that it will be smooth sailing:
  1. Audio books will save your life and don't roll your eyes at a romance novel, you can score some major points with your lady and you might find yourself wildly entertained. Remember that Lil Wayne song you just heard on the radio will get old real quick after the 100th replay.
  2. At this point you have probably heard your girl/ boy friend fart, lets be adults here! BUT... flatulence needs to be moderated or else your will find yourself in a mobile gas chamber. Bathroom breaks should not be frowned upon. All girls have overactive bladders so get over it!
  3. An 8 hr shift might work for a day in the office but after of 4 hrs in the driver seat you will want to run people off the road. 
  4. Spilling warm coffee on your crotch can be debilitating, make sure to have ample cup holders.
  5. And Finally a road trip is not a race to the destination, BE SAFE and always 10 & 2.

  Our first stop is 17 hrs away in the beautiful Laguna Beach . My Uncle Vic has graciously allowed us to stay the night! Then we will be off Friday morning for the final 7 hrs to my parent's home in Phoenix, AZ. We love you all! May Buddah Bless you!

“There is no moment of delight in any pilgrimage like the beginning of it.” - Charles Dudley Warner

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